Monday, April 30, 2012

What's on your mind?

Everybody asks me this.  Facebook, Twitter, every social networking site.  I don't understand why though.  Nobody actually cares.  Today has been the worst day.  I have over a month left of school and I have the worst case of Senioritis ever.  I no longer have the motivation to wake up at 6:30 in the morning, do my hair, make-up, eat breakfast, go to school for seven hours, and then go home  and do it all over again.  In almost every single one of my classes we don't do anything.  I don't think that I can go through a whole year of this again.  I just want to get into college and as far away from here as possible.  I'm such a negative person.  On the bright side, only a month until Summer! (: That's the only thing positive about this.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Facebook is the website I use the most.  It's the website everybody uses the most.  I have a Facebook account that I use just about everyday.  The only reason I still have my Facebook is to talk to my friends on chat and look at events and other things people post.  I only use my phone to get on, never the computer.  I think so many people just have to be on Facebook because they feel connected or are curious about what other people are doing.  It's a good way to keep in touch with people you don't see on a daily basis, or just to catch up.  I don't think it's possible for people to have hundreds of friends.  The brain is only capable of having 150 stable relationships with other people at a time.

Some positive aspects of Facebook are:
  • It's an easy way to communicate with your friends.
  • Sharing pictures and information with family and friends is easier.
  • It's something to do when you get bored.
Some negative aspects of Facebook are:
  • It can distract you from doing your homework.
  • Everybody knows your business.
  • People can stalk your profile.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I Am Foxy

note by stephspiegel
note, a photo by stephspiegel on Flickr.

I thought this was pretty funny. I was just randomly walking down the hall one day and saw this on a locker.

There is nothing better than..

There is nothing better than summer. Seriously, it should just be summer all day everyday.  There's no school, and you can do whatever you want.  It's also super nice and warm, so you can get a tan.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break

Literally all spring break I was stuck in stupid Michigan.  This spring break was about as good as it could get considering I didn't go anywhere.  I spent literally did nothing like all spring break.  I spent all of my time at Robert's house, or with him.  I went to Toledo like three times.  We went go carting and put put golfing with Kendal, Wyatt, Matt, and Sara.  We got pictures with a black guy, it was fun.  We sat around, and made work bombs and heard them explode.  We went out to eat, watched t.v., and pretty much did nothing else.  It was freezing out.